My final sketch~~~i will use this to be my symbol~~

At my previous post, i was using a circle and a dragon wings to be my symbol(rite??)~~~and then this event comes to me~~~

Yesterday, i was going to LowYat Plaza with my cousin and his friend~~~when we are in the bus~~~i was kinda tired so i slept for a while~~~while we arrive at KL Central(where the bus stop suddenly) woke me up~~i saw a trailer of one movie in the TV inside the bus~~~the trailer of the movie is "War of The Dragons" and i get another NEW idea~~

Poster of "War of The Dragons"(but don't know why it put there "Dragon wars" or "D-war"(I know "D-War" is last year's movie)

So, when i get back to room~~~i done some research on the movie and found all kind of dragon and found some old film that have dragons too~~~So, i hurry sketch out another symbol~~and it came out like this and i like it !!! Sorry for the center is blank~~~i was thinking either put a Chinese word(冰) or an English word(ICE) inside there~~~i will think about it after my lunch(yes~~~i type this with an empty stomach)
So, excuse me for a while ok?? After my lunch i will post another one to continue my report here~~~sorry~~~

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