Assignment 3 FACE OFF !!!

Shocking-ly~~~YES !!! Shocking-ly~~~terkejutnya~~~吓死人了~~~i did two poster which is one assignment only~~so now i am think which one should i use?? ~~~third degree shocked~~~



which one should i use for submit???

~~Should i or Shouldn't i???~~~

Now is 3.30am in the morning Monday~~~what am i do?? sleeping~~WRONG~~I am going to do the 2nd poster~~~but i think the 1st is kind of ok~~~i can submit it already~~but i want to try another 1~~which means i going to do 2 posters but only can choose 1 to submit. and.....WHICH 1 should i submit 1st or this???
the poster layout have changed~~~so here is the format that i going to use~~~ Actually is kind of some as my 1st poster so~~i didn't go draw it in sketch~~i just add some words and delete some of the parts~~~i straight away try it at illustrator~~so~~sorry ya~~~


I use "RECTANGLE TOOL" and "GRADIENT"(color orange n light yellow) to create the sky

STEP 2 Same as STEP 1 but the color i change to dark blue and light blue to create the water

Then, I use "FLARE TOOL" to create the sun

STEP 4 remember this part??? yes~~is a part of my assignment 2~~i copy and paste here~~

STEP 5 Once again, remember this part?? YA!! IS the GLOBE from my symbol~~i use it as the base~~~


I put the both parts together and form icecream like globe representing iceberg~~

STEP 7 Welcome Back my Skull~~i trace it using "PEN TOOL"~~

STEP 8 I put it at the center since it is the main focus~~and white in color to show it is a hidden danger~~

STEP 9 I use "TYPE TOOL" to type the word "Stop The Melting of Iceberg"

STEP 10 This is the part i USE ALOT OF "TYPE TOOL" and TIME to arrange and finish this part~~~

STEP 11Later, i select the words "gone for good and", "our soul will be" and "taken away"~~and put "NO BOARDER"~~~

STEP 12After all is done, I copy in my symbol~~



The meaning of the poster is still the same~~just i do another design of the poster only~~~now i really need you guys to give me comment~~~please kindly put your comment in the "chat spam box" or the post below which named "Alrite~~~Guys~~~or Galz"


Alrite~~~GUys.......or GALz.....

hahaha~~~~just want to ask you all to give my some comment only~~~cause i don't know i do the poster nice or correct or ugly~~~any comment i will take~~~any kind of comment i also take~~plite,kind or rude~~i also take~~~~so leave me some comment ya~~~
either here or at my "chat spam box"
after you give me the comment~~~sorry for my rude-ness~~~but i really need some cool down~~~so.......

And this is the word "someone" give me and boost me up~~~hope you guys know the meaning~~

~~~1st try on my assignment 3~~~

okkkiee~~~i saw many of my friends have already started~~so i also start. Since i draw my sketch out already, i ask myself why not i start now?? plus the deadline is coming Tuesday~~so i started~~~and i wanted to said "Welcome back my skull head"~~due to assignment 2 deleted it~~i plan to do all my assignment have skull but cannot~~so never mind~~assignment 3~~it is BACK !!!



This is my final poster with title ''Stop The Melting Of Iceberg''. This poster is design for people who are between the age 17~30. The objective i design this poster is I want to let audience to realize that the iceberg melts are very dangerous and it can destroy all the country included us, The Human Race. Beside that it can also effect our future and can cause us to have no place to live or even die or make human disappear from earth. Before that tragic happen, we must do some prevention which is STOP THE MELTING OF ICEBERG !!!


STEP 1 I use "RECTANGLE TOOL" and "GRADIENT"(colour is orange and yellow) to create the sky~~

STEP 2 Again~~I use "RECTANGLE TOOL" and "GRADIENT"(colour is light blue and dark blue) to create the water~~~

STEP 3 Then, I copy in my assignment 1 which is my logo~~


After i put my logo in the center, I copy in my assignment 2 the melting iceberg~~

STEP 5I create another melting iceberg(assignment 2) by using "copy and paste"~~~

STEP 6 See the big skull head~~~i trace it by using "PEN TOOL"~~~


Later i place all the picture i did just now to its place~~and the opacity of the skull head i put as 30%~~~

STEP 8Later, i use "FLARE TOOL" to create the sun~~~

STEP 9 After all my pictures are on its place~~i use the "TYPE TOOL" to type my words~~and put it as red colour~~~


Place the word on it position~~

STEP 11Again~~"TYPE TOOL" to type the words but this time i use more time~~to resize the words~~~to make it like it coming from far away~~(small to big)

STEP 12 After i put the words on it position~~i change the colour to white so that we can see the white word clearly~~~hahaha

STEP 13(FINAL) And WALA~~~my poster is DONE~~~

~~Skecthie for Assignment 3~~~

Please click on the photo to view~~cuz too blur liao~~due to my unprofessional on takin photo
Sorry~~ :P here is the only idea i have in my mind~~~but i will keep thinking until sunday only~~after sunday~~is time to WORK !!! illustrator~~we gona meet again !!!

layout for my poster~~

~~SCope the assignment 3 !!~~

Assignment 3 's Title: Stop the melting of the iceberg.

Project Start Date: August 19, 2008

Project Finish Date: September 9, 2008

Project Manager: Cheng Khai Wen

HP: 012-4235995

E-mail: /

Project Objectives:

The main objective of doing this poster is to tell all the public to be aware to the disaster created by global warming. The global warming have many area and i choose the melting iceberg area.

Let me re-call back what have i done. In assignment 1, i have done a symbol with a skull, a fire and a globe. My symbol has the meaning of the Earth is burning and the skull is flying out the globe because globe have not enough place for the water of the melting of iceberg. Then, Assignment 2 is the iceberg which is melting. The meaning is the iceberg will be very dangerous when it keep on melts. As for Assignment 3, I will go create a poster with iceberg like the skull shape iceberg and will add some fire shape iceberg floating on the water. The meaning is telling all the people in this Earth try to stop the iceberg from melting or else the iceberg will melt and destroys us, The Human Race.

~My area is melting of iceberg. As for my assignment 3, the title is "Stop the melting of iceberg" which i plan to use everything i have done in Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 to be in my poster. Actually this is the suggestion from my lecturer. So, i follow her suggestion.
~First, I will use the pen tools to trace the iceberg from the references i found in the Internet. So, i will spend a lot of time in using this "pen tool" to get the best shape in the poster.
~Gradient Color System, this will be the color system i use the most.
~Eyedrop Tool, this tools i will use the get the original color from the reference i have.
~Some other effect like "Gaussion Blur" and the percentage of the function call "opacity" which can make the particular shape become like transparents.
~My Skecth will be uploaded tomorrow because the 1 consult to the lecturer already lost. So, i will redraw and upload as fast as i could.
Roles and Responsibilities :
-On 16 August, actually i have planned to start my Assignment 3. But i kind of use-up all the idea in the last assignment(1 and 2). So, i go to have some background reseearch in the Internet to get new idea.
-On 20 August, I done with the research but the idea still didn't pop-up in my mind. So, i have to SOS in MSN to get some idea from my cousin or my old school friends.
-On 26 August, after i have my presentation for my group (C2). Got some idea pop-up in my mind. So, i just draw some the skecth and straight away show to the lecturer. After the consultation with lecturer, a lot of new but blur idea comes to my mind. So, after class i have my head spinning and i will upload all the skecth i have into my blog(don't know why now cannot maybe is internet problem)
Comment :
*Actually, i love to learn more about illustrator because there are many more effect that need us to go discover.
*..................(i already out of comment. So, need you guys to give some comment)

Okeeyyyy~~~reference for assignment 3~~~

here are some reference that i going to use~~


~~ Example of Poster~~

Actually this poster do not have anything to do with global warming but put it as reference because i need wanted to do a skull in the middle which is a iceberg melting.